The uncloaked women within the LRA: Reintegration of female ex-combatants in Northern Uganda...
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- Títol: The uncloaked women within the LRA: Reintegration of female ex-combatants in Northern Uganda through the utilisation of acquired skills and agency capacity
- Autor: Sánchez Avendaño, Linda Lorena
- Publicació original: 2012
- Descripció física: PDF
Nota general:
During twenty years of sustained conflict, boys and girls in Uganda suffered a commensurable number of atrocities as abductees in the Lord’s Resistant Army (LRA). In general men have been seen as warriors and fighters whereas women have been seen mainly as “wives” in charge of practical support and catering of the rebels. This is a simplistic perception that has affected the design and delivery of reintegration programmes in Northern Uganda since it does not consider other types of involvement and roles that particularly female combatants performed inside of the LRA. This dissertation draws upon testimony from female ex-combatants and interviews with different organisations working on reintegration of former combatants and local authorities.
Primary information, secondary data and theoretical concepts are linked to demonstrate that the approach used in the reintegration of female ex-combatants in Northern Uganda has not included an extensive comprehension of the change in gender roles and relations during the war. As a result, these programmes have largely failed countering stigmatisation and harnessing the social and technical skills learnt by women during abduction, their agency capacity and their economic potential at the community level. This thesis offers some alternatives and recommendations to include a broader analysis of gender roles and ‘capabilities’ in order to contribute to outline hybrid forms of peace and opportunities to reintegrate female ex-combatants into society after six years of relative peace from 2006 to 2012 in the region.
During twenty years of sustained conflict, boys and girls in Uganda suffered a commensurable number of atrocities as abductees in the Lord’s Resistant Army (LRA). In general men have been seen as warriors and fighters whereas women have been seen mainly as “wives” in charge of practical support and catering of the rebels. This is a simplistic perception that has affected the design and delivery of reintegration programmes in Northern Uganda since it does not consider other types of involvement and roles that particularly female combatants performed inside of the LRA. This dissertation draws upon testimony from female ex-combatants and interviews with different organisations working on reintegration of former combatants and local authorities.
- Notes de reproducció original: Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- República de Uganda
- Resum: Capacidad de agencia; Ejército de resistencia; Mujeres excombatientes; Reintegración
- © Derechos reservados del autor
- Colfuturo
- Forma/gènere: Tesi
- Idioma: inglés
- Institució origen: Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República
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