Evolution of the scientific and technical curriculum in the secondary school during the era of...
Registre bibliogràfic
- Títol: Evolution of the scientific and technical curriculum in the secondary school during the era of Alfonso XIII (1902-1931) / Olegario Negrín Fajardo (Format PDF)
- Autor: Negrín Fajardo, Olegario, 1949-
- Publicació: Alicante : Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2021
- Notes de reproducció original: Edición digital a partir de 5th Session of International Standing Conference for the History of Education (5-8 sep. 1983). Seminar Group 3, Science, Technology and the School Curriculum, Oxford, Westminster College, 1983, pp.119-130
- Forma/gènere: Estudi crític, text
- Idioma: inglés
Encapçalament de matèria:
- 37(091)"19"
- URI: https://www.cervantesvirtual.com/nd/ark:/59851/bmc1134863