Riley, «A Premonition», 226.
M. M. Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination, trans. C. Emerson and M. Holquist (Austin, Texas: Univ. of Texas Press, 1981), 147.
Peter V. Marinelli, Pastoral (London: Methuen, 1971), 9. The distinctions between classical and post-classical pastoral are significant, although there is obviously some common ground; see S. K. Heninger, Jr, «The Renaissance Perversion of Pastoral», Journal of the History of Ideas, XXII (1961), 254-61.
Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination, 103.
The respective interpolations are: Celia's death and Arsenio's murder of his son; Selvagia's tale; the trio of Selvagia-Ismenia-Alanio, and the love of Arselio and Arsenio for Belisa.
This is not to say that the events provoked by Felicia's intervention are inappropriate or unexpected in either Montemayor or Gil Polo's book. In both cases the resulting changes could have proceeded naturally, though certainly not so speedily, from events narrated before her appearance.
The role of violence in La Galatea has been widely studied, although in a different context from the one considered here. See Barbara Mujica, «Antiutopian Elements in the Spanish Pastoral Novel», Kentucky Romance Quarterly, XXVI (1979) 263-82; and John Cull, «Another Look at Love in La Galatea», Cervantes and the Pastoral, eds. José Labrador and Juan Fernández (Cleveland: Cleveland State U. P., 1986), 63-80.
Lope's Arcadia is as problematic a pastoral book as La Galatea. Its mention here is intended to underscore the elements it has in common with other books of its kind, not to imply that it serves as a model example of the genre.
In Lauso's case, revelation of anything regarding his lady's true identity would have been a gross indiscretion, assuming he represents Cervantes himself, as Geoffrey Stagg proposes in «A Matter of Masks: La Galatea», Hispanic Studies in Honor of Joseph Manson, ed. D. Atkinson and A. Clarke (Oxford: Dolphin, 1972), 255-67. Ruth El Saffar describes Florisa's function as Galatea's alter-ego in her article cited above in note 2.
El Saffar draws some interesting conclusions from the same observation. See her article cited above.