Anales galdosianos
Año X, 1975
Galdós and the nineteenth century novel: the need for an interdisciplinary approach
Peter B. Goldman
Galdós y sus santas modernas
Denah Lida
Inhabited space in Galdós' Tormento
Lou Charnon Deutsch
Structural and linguistic presentation in Galdós' Ángel Guerra
Jennifer Lowe
«Seeing history»: reflections on Galdós' El Abuelo
John Beverley
A soviet introduction to Doña Perfecta (1964)
Vernon A. Chamberfin
Benito Pérez Galdós and his novel Doña Perfecta
K. V. Tsurinov
Pérez Galdós and El Océano: 1879-1880
Emily Letemendía
Galdós, Tristana, and letters from Concha-Ruth Morell
Gilbert Smith
Notas sobre el realismo en «observaciones sobre la novela contemporánea en España»
Víctor Fuentes
Two views on the english translation of Fortunata y Jacinta
Spanish voices
V. S. Pritchett
Traduttore, tradittore
Michael MeGaha
Regenerating Galdós' theater
Stanley Finkenthal
One fine body…