Selecciona una palabra y presiona la tecla d para obtener su definición.


Ibid., pág. 204: «'We have no right among human beings, no right anywhere but in this old house, which has a curse on it, and which, therefore, we are doomed to haunt!'»



Ibid., g. 260: «'... arranging its fifth as for a catastrophe'».



Las referencias finales a «Alice's Posies» y a la sombra de Alice Pyncheon recuerdan el anuncio anticipado de su solución que nos da Hawthorne al narrar las relaciones entre esta Pyncheon de otro siglo y el nieto del «brujo» (Ibid., cap. XIII).



Ibid., págs. 46-48; Los enemigos del alma, págs. 16-17; 27; 192; 269; 296. En dos ocasiones (págs. 28, 193), se refiere a Débora con la palabra puritana, lo cual nos recuerda el puritanismo de don León Ricarte en Las águilas (véase la nota 6). Estos detalles aumentan el parecido moral entre los personajes de Mallea y los de Hawthorne.



Hawthorne, pág. 290: «In her grief and wounded pride, Hephibah had spent her life in divesting herself of friends, she had wilfully cast off the support which God has ordained his creatures to need from one another...»



Ibid., pág. 291: «Her faith was too weak; the prayer too heavy to be thus uplifted. It fell back, a lump of lead, upon her heart. It smote her with the wretched conviction that Providence intermeddled not in these petty wrongs of one individual to his fellow, nor had any balm for these little agonies of a solitary soul; but shed its justice, and its mercy, in a broad, sunlike sweep, over half the universe at once. Its vastness made it nothing».



Ibid., pág. 209: «... with no other company than a single series of ideas, and but one affection, and one bitter sense of wrong».
